
After big Lion passed away, the little vivacious Lion suddenly became very quiet, as if he knew it's time to grow up. Gradually I felt like little Lion shared more and more resemblance with big Lion. I was the only one in their meow world, so I felt the responsibility to take good care of the little cloned one.

When little Lion arrived home, he wasn't timid at all, and he liked to spread his odor all over the room. For me, the big Lion and the cloned one were quite similar, they both enjoyed my hug in specific positions.

Sinogene is a leading pet cloning company and we recognize the unbreakable bond between the pet and owner. However, that bond may be disrupted due to the loss of a dear pet. Sinogene stands for Hope and Commitment and our actions create a positive impact on society.
Do Not Freeze the body !
Refrigerate body at 2-4 degrees immediately if your beloved pet passed away, which will greatly improve the hope of your pet coming back home.
If the freezing had happened before you saw our notice, End Freezing Now and Thaw at room temperature.
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