What Do Some Actions of Cats Represent? What Foods Can't Be Given to Cats?

In terms of growth, one year of a cat is equivalent to about 20 years of human beings, and each additional year is equivalent to 4 years of human beings. A 4-year-old cat is equivalent to a 32-year-old human. The average lifespan of a cat is about 13 to 16 years. Cats always make some puzzling actions, but some actions have special meanings behind them, which are often misunderstood by cat lovers. So what do some actions of cats mean? What should we pay attention to when feeding cats?

1. Learn about the meaning of the actions of cats

(1) Yawn repeatedly. Don't think cats yawn because they're sleepy. They sometimes use yawns to relax when they're stressed. Sometimes they yawn repeatedly when they are in a bad mood.

(2) The two front feet are tucked under the body. This doesn't necessarily mean that they feel cold, but that they are in a very relaxed environment.

(3) The cat's eyes are closed with its tail flapping. This is the cat saying: "What's going on? I'm listening." Even if the cat closes its eyes and doesn't turn its head to you, as long as the cat's tail is fluttering, it means that it is not asleep and is happy to respond.

(4) The cat's tail quickly shakes from side to side. This means that the cat is extremely upset and may encounter something that makes it feel irritable or uncomfortable, Don't assume it is attracting you to play with it.

(5) Blink slowly. Cats are very vigilant and will keep an eye on strangers if they encounter strangers. On the contrary, if the cat blinks slowly and looks at you, it is telling you that it is not hostile.

(6) Grab the furniture. Cats like to scratch furniture because they want to leave their own smell and sharpen their claws. Besides, they often want to attract the attention of the owner and tell you: "I'm here."

2. Pay attention to foods that cannot be given to cats

For your cat's health, please remember that some foods can not be given to them. Sometimes little kids will feed their cats, so please make sure the whole family knows that.  In addition, the Cat cloning service is an emerging area of interest for extending feline health and lifespan.

(1) Onion: it contains ingredients that destroy the red blood cells of cats. Be careful not to feed it to cats inadvertently.

(2) Fishbones, chicken bones: some people think that cats can chew bones well, but in fact, they just swallow them. Large bones sometimes have the risk of stabbing the stomach and esophagus, so it is better to remove bones.

(3) Raw meat: there may be Toxoplasma gondii, it should be cooked before giving it to cats.

(4) Cuttlefish, octopus: it is not easy to digest for cats, so do not give them.

(5) Abalone and conch: it may induce light allergy and dermatitis, especially for cat ears.

When considering cat cell preservation or cat cloning, it's essential to understand the unique aging process of cats compared to humans. Given their accelerated aging rate, supporting their health through proper nutrition and care becomes crucial.

Sinogene is a leading pet cloning company and we recognize the unbreakable bond between the pet and owner. However, that bond may be disrupted due to the loss of a dear pet. Sinogene stands for Hope and Commitment and our actions create a positive impact on society.
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Refrigerate body at 2-4 degrees immediately if your beloved pet passed away, which will greatly improve the hope of your pet coming back home.
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