Interspecies cloning? It's not that easy!
Nov 06, 2020
Interspecies cloning? It's not that easy!
Cloning technology is neither merely for replicating life, nor only for obtaining the significance of reproductive engineering. More importantly, it can open up new ways for gene function positioning,...
The World's First Cloned Cat Died at the Age of 18
Oct 20, 2020
The World's First Cloned Cat Died at the Age of 18
In March 2020, CC, the world's first cloned cat, died in University Town, Texas.CC is an abbreviation for copy cat. According to veterinary and biomedical science at Texas A & M, CC died at th...
What is the most Ideal Material for Pet Cloning?
Sep 11, 2020
What is the most Ideal Material for Pet Cloning?
With current technology, the prerequisite for cloning is to obtain healthy and complete living cells. So, where to get healthy and complete living cells? In fact, our common samples can be divided int...
DNA Testing | if Cats and Dogs Could Talk, Would They Yell in Pain?
Jun 08, 2020
DNA Testing | if Cats and Dogs Could Talk, Would They Yell in Pain?
Whether it is raising children or pets, I believe everyone has one thing in common, that is, when they are sick, you as a parent will be particularly distressed to see them uncomfortable, and wish you...
Special Tissue Preservation | Another Possibility for Pet Cloning
Jun 04, 2020
Special Tissue Preservation | Another Possibility for Pet Cloning
If one day your pet has to leave this world, what do you most want to leave as a memorial? In addition to the photos and videos of his life, toys and supplies that have not been used for a long time, ...
What are the Technical Difficulties of Animal Cloning?
Apr 01, 2020
What are the Technical Difficulties of Animal Cloning?
Many pet owners or related practitioners may have questions like this:"Since you can clone dogs and cats, it should be easy to clone other animals, right?""Why not clone more animals, s...
Cloned Horses Company - Sinogene Helps Horse Breeding
Mar 30, 2020
Cloned Horses Company - Sinogene Helps Horse Breeding
Sinogene is committed to the use of cutting-edge biological science and technology to achieve efficient breeding and clear scientific breeding direction.
Can Cats and Dogs be Cloned after Death?
Mar 16, 2020
Can Cats and Dogs be Cloned after Death?
Save the cells of dogs and cats in advance when they are healthy, so as to have a chance to start again when something unexpected happens one day.
Cloned Animals are not Short-lived
Dec 31, 2019
Cloned Animals are not Short-lived
Researches found that many netizens have the stereotype that "animals being cloned generally have a shorter life span". Is the life span of cloned animals shorter than normal?A short answer ...
Sinogene is a leading pet cloning company and we recognize the unbreakable bond between the pet and owner. However, that bond may be disrupted due to the loss of a dear pet. Sinogene stands for Hope and Commitment and our actions create a positive impact on society.
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