We have a set of services that we offer to our clients and that are related with the process of animal cloning.
The clients initially sign the service agreement with Sinogene and an authorised veterinary physician collects a sample at a laboratory of Sinogene or a third party institution. Samples collected at third-party hospitals must be delivered to our laboratory within 48 hours. After the samples arrive, the service process starts from cell separation, culturing, nucleus transfer, cloning embryo development, cloning embryo transfer, surrogacy dog pregnancy and finally the birth of a newly cloned dog. Two months after the cloned pet is born, it is delivered to the client with its Genetic Identification Certificate by a third-party testing institution.
Genetic Preservation maintains your pet's genes, which is necessary. We offer genetic preservation service that preserves your pet's cells for later cloning.
Sinogene offers Cat cloning services to the client. Cat cloning by Sinogene facilitates the client to extend the unique happiness that are bring by their cats.
When the donor dog has been genetically preserved, Sinogene creates genetic twins or clones of that dog by using the stored somatic cells. Once the cloned embryos are produced successfully, they are implanted for gestating and calving.
Science has made possible to genetically replicate the horse by the Equine process. Sinogene provides an opportunity to protect the elite horse genetics by offering genetic preservation and cloning service.