Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know that my cloned pet is a real clone?

When the cloned pet is delivered, we will issue a test report from an authoritative third-party identification laboratory to confirm that the DNA homogeneity between the donor and the clone is more than 99%.

What is a cloned pet?

You can consider the cloned pet as an identical twin of the donor pet which is born months/years later. The cloned animal has the same genomic sequence information as the donor pet.

Is the lifespan of the cloned pet normal?

Yes, actually animal somatic cell cloning technology has been 20 years since its success. Over the past 20 years, it has been shown that many cloned species have the same lifespan as natural ones.

What is the success rate of cloning pets?

If live somatic cells are collected successfully from the donor pet, the success rate will be more than 99% theoretically.

Does the age of my pet matter for cloning?


Live somatic cells are used in the cloning process and it doesn't have much to do with the age of the donor pet.

However, we recommend that Cell Preservation should be done as early as possible. Since cell viability weakens along with pet age, which will decrease the success rate of pet cloning, it would be relatively easier to collect somatic cells from younger pets.

Does cloned pet look exactly the same as the donor one?

The cloned pet and the donor one are basically the same in terms of skeletal structure, physiological characteristics and body functions. However, due to the influence of epigenetics, living environment, diet and other aspects, there will be differences in hair color between the cloned pet and the donor one, just as identical twins may have differences in details.

Does a cloned pet have the same personality as the donor pet?

Personality is partly derived from genes and partly influenced by the external environment. The genetic material of the cloned animal comes from the previous donor, so its genetically-determined personality orientation and level of intelligence are the same as that of the previous donor. However, acquired socialization, interaction, and training will also affect the final personality and behavior of the cloned pet.

Can cloned pets breed?

Yes, cloned pets can breed just as natural ones.

Is the cloned pet exactly the same as the donor pet?

The cloned pet and the donor pet have a consistent genetic sequence, thus the traits associated with the genes will be identical. The natural temperament of cloned pet is similar to that of donor pet, but may also slightly change depending on the environment in which they grow up.

If my pet has a tumor now, can you clone a healthy pet?

If the tumor is not hereditary, it is probable to clone a healthy pet.

What is the cost of pet cloning?

Dog cloning costs are $50,000.

Cat cloning costs are $50,000.

Horse cloning costs are $85,000.

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My pet has just died unexpectedly. What should I do if I decide to start cloning?

First of all, DO NOT FREEZE the body. Stay calm and follow the next steps:

    1. Wrap the body in a wet towel and keep it refrigerated.

    2. Contact us as soon as possible to learn how to collect biopsy samples.

    3. Send the biopsy samples to Sinogene.

How long does it take to clone, will there be a notification to tell if the clone was successful?

The dog clonation period, in conservative terms, is up to 10 months. After the client signed the cloning technology service agreement, we started the preparation of the cloned dog, which was successfully established in the somatic cell line. The B-ultrasound test was performed on the pregnant dog, and the puppy was notified three times before the delivery. Customers, and pass relevant information. The puppy is delivered at 2 months of age.

Does a cloned pet carry the memories of its donor?

A cloned pet is a healthy individual that develops and grows gradually from an embryo. It is not born looking the same as it did when it was cloned, but it will generate its own memories as it grows, and it is a process that starts all over again. There is no scientific way to extract the memory from an pet's brain and implant it into another pet's brain, so cloned pets do not have their donors' memories.

Do I have to use skin samples to clone a pet?

In theory, skin samples are not necessary, but it is usually more successful to take somatic cells from skin tissues, and skin samples are relatively easy to obtain. Dead cells cannot be used for cloning. Therefore, in order to ensure the smooth progress of cloning, cell preservation services can be carried out in advance to save the suitable somatic cells in advance.

Some pet owners think that the cloned dog is more expensive, and hopes to give it to the owner in adulthood, can it?

Yes, but will increase the corresponding maintenance costs.

How long does it take to successfully culture and establish somatic cells?

After the gene storage and sampling, the cell establishment process is about 2 weeks, and after 3 days of successful cell establishment, the customer will be notified of the success of the establishment.

How do you preserve a pet's DNA?

Talk to an expert: Consult with a gene preservation facility like Sinogene to get advice and information.

Collect a sample: A professional will take a small piece of the pet's skin tissue.

Process the sample: The collected material is prepared, and the genetic components are isolated.

Freeze the genetic material: The genetic material is frozen at very low temperatures using liquid nitrogen.

Store the sample: The frozen genetic material is kept in a specialized facility designed for long-term storage.

Can cell preservation be done posthumously?

Yes, it is possible to perform cell preservation after a pet has passed away. However, the success and viability of preserving genetic material may depend on the condition of the remains and the promptness of the preservation process.

Will the tissue biopsy process harm my pet?

No, the tissue biopsy process is generally safe and does not harm your dog or cat. It is a routine procedure that can be performed by your veterinarian. Your pet should recover fully within a few days after the biopsy.

Sinogene is a leading pet cloning company and we recognize the unbreakable bond between the pet and owner. However, that bond may be disrupted due to the loss of a dear pet. Sinogene stands for Hope and Commitment and our actions create a positive impact on society.
Do Not Freeze the body !
Refrigerate body at 2-4 degrees immediately if your beloved pet passed away, which will greatly improve the hope of your pet coming back home.
If the freezing had happened before you saw our notice, End Freezing Now and Thaw at room temperature.
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