Respect for Life
Client Satisfaction
Innovation and Expertise
Integrity and Responsibility
Sinogene is a leading pet cloning company and we recognize the unbreakable bond between the pet and owner. However, that bond may be disrupted due to the loss of a dear pet. Sinogene stands for "Hope and Commitment" and our actions create a positive impact on society. We offer pet cloning services where your pet is genetically preserved and created by using the stored cell line. We conduct our business sincerely and our team incorporates leading scientists. We believe that our animal genetic research will benefit from expanding the field of breeding and genetics.
Our vision is "to serve clients by applying genetic and reproductive technologies to meet the growing demand of pet cloning".
Sinogene offers industry-leading genetic preservation and cloning technology for pet cloning. Our team includes leading scientists, doctors, and veterinary specialists. With intensive scientifically based management, we made a positive impact on so many families' lives by delivering a replica of their pets.
Sinogene understands and respects the love that our clients have for their pets so we are devoted to delivering outstanding service and results.
Services We Provide :
Respect for Life
Client Satisfaction
Innovation and Expertise
Integrity and Responsibility
Creating a sustainable future
for life and love.
We strive to restore happiness and companionship through cutting-edge cloning technology